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Iggi icon

Moby ID 42864
Contribution Score: 35,007 (3,203 in last year)
Location: Eichstätt, Germany
Member Since: January 31st, 2004
Messages Posted: 120
About Me:

Born in 1981 in Germany. My first gaming device was the original GameBoy, which was followed by my first PC with DOS and Windows 3.1 in 1994. Two PCs and Windows versions later I switched to Linux in 2001 and have stuck with it since then. To avoid a lack of good games I originally bought myself a Dreamcast, and the console setup was completed in 2005 with a Gamecube. Two oddities arrived much later: During the Vintage Computer Festival Europe 9.0 I've seen a Vectrex in action and fell in love with it (though it was only a few years later that I actually got one). The second oddity is an Atari 1040ST with PC-Speed extension (a 8086 compatible processor soldered on top of the 68000 for DOS compatibility) which I got from a former colleague in 2016 - I'm also really impressed by that one :-)

Favourite genres: Adventures, closely followed by Action-Adventures and (non Hack 'n Slash) RPGs with a good story. Of course I'm also playing games of different genres - most of them are indie games in various forms and shapes nowadays.

Favourite games: Impossible to tell because of different genres and concepts. The game I replayed most often is Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge, though.

What am I doing here? My goal in MobyGames is to provide information about Linux releases as well as adding additional boxshots and credits, mainly of DOS and Dreamcast games. Physical releases are always preferred, I try to ignore download only releases as much as I can ;-)

The picture in my profile is taken from