Go! Go! PogoGirl

Moby ID: 199516

Windows version

The Pogo's on You

The Good
The graphics within the game are clear and presentable, they could easily make what you see on screen look like a Sega Genesis game on a modern console. The little animations are so fluid and lively. It's really cute how PogoGirl's ponytail sways and wiggles in time to moving and jumping. And some of the enemies resemble foes from the Bubble Bobble series. The sound effects also seem match the old retro feel. Combined with the awesome energetic soundtrack, this is giving Sonic the Hedgehog reminders and feels. When diving in water, the music sounds sort of Low Pass filtered as if you've got water in your ears.

Gameplay is really easy to get into and comfortable to play. You get this gentle learning curve from helpful tips and simplified layouts, with the game getting fairly and progressively hard. For a pogo jumping game with this rad N' bad moveset, you feel like you're using a bouncy jackhammer for a pogo stick, giving you the powerful edge. And you can even bounce on water.

The Bad
The backgrounds tend to suffer from distortion as you move, which reduces the smoothness of the visuals. And the graphic tileset has that samey look as you go from level to level. The game could have done with different walls and backgrounds instead of the same ones in different shadings. It's a little irritating that your character dies in one hit, but the groovy moveset and adequate checkpoints more than compensate.

The Bottom Line
In this day and age, pixelated plaforms are getting a good amount of the respect as they had in the previous century. A fun little bump N' jump platformer that won't easily disappoint, especially if you relish those good old times. And if you're feeling daring and adventurous, seek to get all the achievements. Any planned sequel to the game could easily work as a 3D isometric platformer. This is how the newest Commander Keen game should have been instead of the disappointing mini-game that it came out as.

by Kayburt (28257) on December 30th, 2023

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