BioShock 2

aka: BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams
Moby ID: 45089

[ Macintosh add ] [ PlayStation 3 ] [ Windows ] [ Xbox 360 ]

Windows credits (2010)

1,041 people (648 professional roles, 393 thanks) with 1,072 credits.

2K Marin & 2K Australia

Associate Producer
Additional Support
Special and heartfelt thanks to
  • Ken Levine
  • Jonathan Chey
  • and everyone who worked on the first BioShock - this game would not have been possible without your dedictation; passion and artistry
Special Thanks
Lead Dialogue Editor
Dialogue Editor
  • Endless thanks to
  • Tom Heuser
  • Jane Heuser
  • for their unwavering support.
  • And of course to Ben
  • Matt
  • Bryan
  • Annie
  • Jean Paul
  • Gabes
  • Matthew
  • Shane
  • Tracy
  • and all my other wonderful friends and family members! Thanks to Michelle
  • my partner in crime
  • for sharing the pressures of game development like no one else could.
  • Thanks to my super-awesome family for all your love and support.
  • Thanks to the 2k Marin [especially Alyssa and Hoagy] for the opportunity to work on the Bioshock!
  • It was awesome to make great friends and a great game!
  • Thanks to my family and lovely girlfriend Sonia for their support and patience.
  • Dedicated to my Dad and Kage.
  • Thanks to Marc and Madeline for your love and patience.
  • Undying appreciation for the Best Band Ever.
  • And libations in honor of all the puppets on the cutting room florr.
  • Big thanks to Annie
  • Xander
  • Dax
  • Zoe and Magoo.
  • You guys are the BEST.
  • Thanks again Cassie.
  • Thanks to my mum and dad
  • sister
  • Keith and Sue for their support.
  • Thanks to my mates close by and far away
  • and to BAG and Team Sea Slug!
  • I want to thank my wife Akiyo
  • for putting up with my shenanigans.
  • Even though she truly believes that I play games all day at work she feeds and loves me anyways.
  • Thanks to Santiago for always being there and supporting me despite all the crazy hours and late nights.
  • Thanks to Apollo and Jada for their unconditional love and support.
  • Thanks to all those crazy people at S@W
  • my best friend Tess
  • my mother Chris for always being there for me and my father Mall for being an amazing person to get to know. Bestbandever.
  • To my parents:
  • Dennis Goodrow
  • Meridith Goodrow
  • my siblings: Kelly
  • Scali and Roger
  • and all of my friends for being so great most of the Time. Oh also to
  • Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Thanks to my son Tai for constantly inspiring me and making me want be a better man.
  • Thanks to Jen and our furry compatriots for their love and support
  • and to everyone on the Bio2 Team for sharing their passion and dedication.
  • Big thanks and hugs to my wife Emily and cutie pies Yoshi and Holiday
  • Shout out to the Fogel clan for patiently waiting for me to take a vacation and visit.
  • Chris Baker
  • Thanks to Jess
  • Emily and Olivia for your love and patience.
  • Also all my family and friends
  • you know who you are
  • for still loving me after I did not call.
  • Thanks tp the Lamb family and my fiancé Connie for their support and understanding over the years :).
  • And I couldn't have done it without team sea slug.
  • Thanks to Kyle
  • Kim
  • and Mom and Dad for your support
  • patience and love; and Annarchy for Ihe LOLs.
  • Thanks to my little bean Charlotte.
  • Much love to Rowan [my teacher; hero and best buddy].
  • Devon
  • Armand
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Xiao Lin
  • Dick
  • Lee and Karen.
  • I'm lucky to have such a stellar family
  • And many thanks to Agent Meatball!
  • Thanks Rachel and Rhys for your love support and encouragement.
  • Thanks to Emily for her patience and support
  • Kevin for VVG nights
  • and to my Test Kit
  • for covering up the vent on the floor in order to keep my office nice and warm
  • Thanks Erin for your love and understanding.
  • To Emily our little 'Destructor'
  • always follow your dreams.
  • Thanks Dad for that first game console.
  • Thanks Mom for not throwing it away.
  • Thanks Janece
  • for puzzing up with all the manias that come with a project of this magnitude.
  • Thanks to the Environment Team for being the best team in the industry!
  • Many thanks to my gorgeous Ash for all her help and support
  • my troublemaker dog Cooper
  • my mate Lee for being THE man - couldn't have done it without you.
  • Thanks to all my family and friends In Red Hook and around the country for all thee support over the years.
  • Thanks to Christine
  • for your love and support
  • all of my friends for all the laughs
  • and to my family who never stopped encouraging me!
  • Love. The Grubber!
  • Thanks to Mom
  • Dad and Elise for the love and support.
  • Thanks to Karla - for everything.
  • Thanks to Kim
  • my scientist.
  • Thank you Marie
  • Sean
  • Strawberry and Mom and Dad for your love
  • support and encouragement
  • Big thanks to 2K Marin for the incredible opportunity
  • Paul
  • thanks for making the plunge into SI with me.
  • Thank you to Heather
  • Nathan and Ginny for enabling the re-juvenile in me.
  • You're the best family this big daddy could ever have!
  • To my beloved wife Claudio
  • Gastava tonto de você
  • Isabella Maiah Holton
  • you are the greatest thing in my life.
  • All friends CA to Sao Paulo.
  • Old VC Crew disflex6.
  • 2k is the best.
  • Many thanks to the USC Interactive Media Division
  • to family and friends for love and pirate-themed care packages
  • and to my patient cats at home.
  • May the adventures and delightful absurdities continue. [Lightning bolt!]
  • To my Mom
  • Thanks for the Navi and someday you'lI get your car back; then I'll buy you that house in Hilo!
  • Dad
  • a boat to go with it and Trev
  • anti-seasick patches and we'll all go get 400lbs of fish!
  • Love you all.
  • Thanks to my Mom
  • Pop and brother.
  • Special thanks to Kent Q.
  • Kelly
  • Patches and of course all of my co-workers at 2K. Thanks to Minjung and my family.
  • Also a tip of the hat to all the true gentlemen who went into the deep.
  • Thank you to Kaylia for putting up with all the talk of Rapture
  • Big Daddies and little sisters.
  • You are my best friend and I love you with all my heart.
  • Thanks to Athena for your endless patience with long hours and missing weekends and your dependable support.
  • And thanks to all my coworkers for making this such a fun and amazing project to work on.
  • To my family
  • who knew that Rapture was just a fancy name for madness
  • and watched me dive in with a smile.
  • And to Rhi
  • for your patience as I struggle back to the surface.
  • Thanks to Peta
  • Tahli and Indica.
  • I will never forget this wonderful project
  • and I will be thankful all my life to Hoagy
  • CJ
  • Brandon
  • Collin
  • Lucas
  • Alex
  • Devin and the whole team because they made the experience awesome!
  • Also my husband Jorge and my mother and sisters and my friend Kirill were important for their support.
  • Thanks tor Kristine
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Heather and the rest of my family in North Carolina for always supporting and encouraging me no matter what.
  • To my boys Steve and Miles: hope you dig the game. 53.596 zombies were killed in the making of this game.
  • EJ
  • Yahn
  • Eric
  • Robin
  • John
  • Mike
  • Jess
  • Matt
  • Kelly
  • Q
  • J-Mo
  • Marc
  • Martin
  • Alfred and all: Keep it up
  • I miss you guys. Hi
  • Minh!
  • Thank you Mom
  • Dad
  • Augie
  • Pat
  • Jeremy & Billy for your love and support
  • Love M.E.
  • Thanks foremost to my parents and sisters Jackie and Caitlin.
  • To all my friends
  • I couldn't have made it without you.
  • Finally to the incredible team that put it all together.
  • I dedicate my work on this game to my late father and to my incredibly supportive friends and family especially my loving wife and three cats who patiently wait for my return every night.
  • Ammah
  • Appah
  • Sen
  • Oharani Anni and Krisha.
  • Thanks for the support you've given me over the years.
  • For
  • Sommer Beddingfield
  • Mark Friesen
  • and the entire Copeland family - thank you all for your continued encouragement and support!
  • Dedicates his hard work to his sister Sandy
  • who's the most wonderful
  • loving and incredible person her brother Matt has ever known.
  • And his grandfather
  • a Navy Gunner - WWII
  • who was the definition of a 'Man's man'.
  • Please help. I am being held captive In Rapture.
  • Please contact Rachel and Graydon to let them know I love them very much.
  • Also if you are in NY please send pizza.
  • Thanks Mom and Dad for your love and faith in me.
  • Thanks to Lia
  • for being my emissary of wooow ditto.
  • Thanks to Ally and Dubsy for being Ally and Dubsy.
  • To Laura - my strength and spirit
  • the most amazing support structure I could ever ask for - I could never have survived without you - I love you Angel Baby!!
  • Thanks to Adam and my family for your endless love and support.
  • Privet Mama
  • Papa
  • Babushka ii Kot! :)
  • Thanks to Stephanie for holding down the fort.
  • Love ya babe.
  • Thanks to Sharron
  • Jude and Ada for transcontinenting
  • patience and support
  • being born etc.
  • Thank you Liz for all your support and love
  • thank you Ben for all the walkies
  • and thank you Fetey for when you arrive.
  • Big thanks to Hoagy. JP and Brandon for the Jump start when I first came to 2K Marin.
  • Big hug to my wife
  • Amanda Shyera
  • for the amazing patient and the super delicious lunches that fuel me everyday.
  • In loving memory of Norbert
  • who made the stressful days a bit less stressful.
  • Thanks to Monica
  • Carolyn
  • Richard and Evan for everything.
  • Lorna
  • thanks for all the encouragement
  • patience and understanding you showed me while I shipped myself off to California to make this game.
  • I love you babe.
  • To Bill for shaping me
  • everyone and anyone who has ever helped me
  • Big M for keeping me sane
  • hoops for my mind and a little dove for waking me up.
  • Giant thanks to Paddington Socks
  • Ben L.
  • Kirill
  • Duke
  • Lewis
  • the Turkish Mage
  • Clifford R. Smith
  • my mother Wendy
  • my father Robin
  • and my awesome brother Lachlan.
  • To my parents
  • Johnny Tran
  • Nary Tran
  • Rebecca Tran
  • Thomas Vu
  • Thomas Ngo
  • Emily Ngo
  • Kimberly Ngo
  • Nick Callegari
  • Sameh Kamel
  • for all the support and late night gaming sessions.
  • To my beloved wife
  • Jamie Babb
  • for her understanding and love
  • my wonderful children
  • Monica Armijo
  • Bryan Quinn
  • Kyle Babb
  • Andrea Babb
  • My Father and Mother for all their love and support!
  • Jon Stevens
  • To Rachel
  • thank you for being there always.
  • To the brave men and women who've made the games I've loved
  • thank you for all the amazing places I've gone and people I've seen.
  • As support staff to an amazing team - shout out to team Sea Slug for their tireless hours.
  • Full of pride for MS. Personally - special thanks to EO & caffees.
  • Also JP
  • RL & the witchbird.
  • Thanks to everyone that has made life and working in games awesome.
  • You are the best!
  • Thanks to my family and friends for the best year I have ever had.
  • Also thanks
  • Bong Ny
  • for making me an uncle.
  • Thanks to Ying and Kevin for your support and patience.
  • Love and appreciation to my rockstar husband Brian
  • who has supported me in every way
  • my dad Quentin for the Inspiration
  • and my family and friends whom I hope to be seeing much more!
  • Thanks to Lulu for all her wit; wisdom; kindness and love
  • which got me through many long nights and stressful days
  • and to all the Rannles for their support; friendship and amazing strength. Keep fighting!
  • Apollo
  • Baku
  • Bella
  • Bella
  • Champion Cairnbawn
  • Ben Nevis
  • Jack
  • Luna
  • Magoo
  • Navajo
  • Opal
  • Pancake
  • Sabre
  • Schatzl and Sissy.

2K China


2K Boston


Digital Extremes

Lead MP Programmer
MP Programming
Additional MP Programming
MP Art Director
MP Artists
Additional MP Artist
MP Art Manager Downloadble Content
Lead MP Environment Artist
MP Environment Artists
MP Concept Artists
Additional MP Concept Art
MP Effects Artist
MP UI Artist
Additional MP UI Art
Lead MP Animator
MP Animators
Additional MP Animation
Lead MP Designer
MP Level Designer
MP Systems Designer
Lead MP Sound Designer
Additional MP Sound Support
MP Executive Producer
MP Producer
MP Associate Producer
MP Assistant Producer
MP Additional Production
MP QA Lead
MP Testers
Additional MP Testing
Operations Director
PR Director
HR Manager
HR Assistant & Bookkeeping
Head Chef
Culinary Assistant
IT Support

Arkane Studios


Additional Support

Additional Dialogue Writing
Concept Art
Additional Character Modeling
Additional Video
Additional Writing & Directing
Additional Sound Design
Additional Character Concepts
Additional Recruiting
Additional Storyboarding
  • Gasoline Cowboys MC Inc.
Additional Environment Concept Art
Additional Concept Art
Weapons Concept Art
  • Marc Gabbana Works of Art Inc.
Additional Character & Weapon Modeling
  • Massive Black
Foley Recording
  • One Step Up Inc.
Additional Environment Concept Work
  • Opus Artz Ltd.
Additional Rigging
Additional FMV
  • Psyop
Website Management
  • Rokkan Media
Additional Character Concept Art
Story Consultant
Additional Sound Effects by
  • dSonic

2K Publishing

VP, Product Development
Director of Product Development
Director of PD Operations
Director of Technology
Associate Producer
Story Editor
Game Analyst
Production Assistants
Additional Production
SVP Marketing
VP Marketing
VP International Marketing
Director of Marketing
Global Director of PR
Senior PR Manager
PR Manager
International PR Assistant
Marketing Assistant
Global Events Manager
Art Director, Publishing
Web Director
Web Designer
Community Manager
Senior Marketing Project Manager
VP Business Development
VP Sales & Licensing
Strategic Sales Director
Licensing Director
VP, Counsel
Director of Operations
Director of Analysis & Planning
Director of Audio Production
Director of Video Production
Senior Video Editor
Video Editor
Junior Video Editor
Manager Music & Talent Licensing
Licensing Specialist
Operations Specialist
Director In-game Media, Promotions & Partnerships
Asscoiate Manager of Partner Marketing
Special Thanks

2K Quality Assurance

VP of QA
Test Manager
Compliance Manager
Test Leads
Compliance Test Leads
Senior Testers
Compliance Senior Tester
Compliance Testers
IT Administrator
Mastering Lab Technicians

2K International

General Manager
International Marketing Manager
International Product Manager
International PR Manager
Licensing Director
Web Content Manager
International Marketing Assistant
International PR Assistant
International Producer
International Associate Producer
Localization Manager
Assistant Localisation Manager
External Localisation Teams
  • Around the Word
  • Coda Entertainment
  • Synthesis International Srl
  • Synthesis Iberia
Localisation Tools & Support Provided by
  • XLOC Inc.
UK Recording Sessions
  • Mana Sound
QA Manager
QA Supervisor
Mastering Engineer
Lead QA Technician
QA Technicians
Localization QA Technicians
Design Team
Take-Two International Operations Team

English Voice Cast

Sophia Lamb
Augustus Sinclair
Brigid Tenenbaum
Eleanor Lamb
Young Eleanor Lamb
Andrew Ryan
Grace Holloway
'Father' Simon Wales
Daniel Wales
Stanley Poole
Gil Alexander/Alex The Great
Warden Nigel Weir
Little Sister
Mlle. Blanche
Sinclair Solutions Spokesman
Additional Voices

Pacific Ocean Post (Los Angeles, Carlifonia)

ADR Stage Recording Engineer
ADR Stage Assistant Engineer
Studio G Recording Engineer
Studio G Assistant Engineer
Executive Producer
Operations Manager

Heavy Melody (New York, New York)

Recording Engineer
Session Producer
Dialogue Editor

Pyramind (San Francisco, California)

Recording Engineer
Studio Manager

The Side (London, England)

Recording Engineer
Production Manager

The Base (Dublin, Ireland)

Recording Engineer

Western Post (Vancouver, Canada)

Recording Engineer
General Manager

Fox Sound Studios (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Music Licensing & Additional Voice Editing Services

Motion Capture Studio in Novato

Mocap Casting Director


Original Music Composed & Arranged by
Orchestrations by
Recording Engineer
Mixing Engineer
Orchestra Contractor
Supervising Copyist
Orchestra Librarian
Violin Concertmaster
Violin Soloist
Violin Principal Second
Cello First
Bass First
French Horn First
French Horn
Trumpet First
Trombone First
Trombone/Bass Trombone
Bass Bone/Contra Bass Bone
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sicarius.