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EA Partners

Moby ID: 17047

  • EA Distribution - Company name until June 2003

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EA Partners is an arm of Electronic Arts, Inc. to establish deals with third-party developers. These include partnership, ranging from straight retail distribution to full co-publishing where EA is funding, assisting with design, and handling ports. It is the continuation of the earlier initiative Electronic Arts Distribution for third-party titles. EA Distribution only distributed the games, while EA Partners aims to provide full publishing (including development and marketing).

The division in its current form is largely the work of Tom Frisina who started working for EA in 1997. He set up relationships with developers and secured licenses to have the games published by EA. Titles he brought in include System Shock 2, the original Medal of Honor and Battlefield 1942.

In June 2003 the name EA Partners was introduced. Recent noteworthy agreements include Rock Band and the retail publishing of the products of Valve Corporation, following Valve's falling out with the former partner Vivendi Universal.

The division was led by David DeMartini until March 2010. The current general manager is Brian Neider.

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