🐳 Featured Group: Games pulled from digital stores

007: Blood Stone

Moby ID: 142804

Nintendo DS credits (2010)

306 people (218 professional roles, 88 thanks) with 309 credits.

n-Space, Inc

Project Manager
Lead Designer
Additional Design
Lead Worldbuilder
Additional Worldbuilding
Additional Modeling
Additional Animation
Special Effects
UI Art
Concept Art
Engineering Manager
Lead Engineer
Software Engineering
Additional Engineering
Audio and Music
QA Manager
Test and Support
Executive Producer
Studio Creative Director
Studio Production Director
Special Thanks to...
The entire n-Space Family
Our friends, partners and associates at Activison
Our families and friends for all their love and support
Original Music Composed and Produced by


Associate Producer
Production Coordinator
Executive Producer
Senior Executive producer
Head Of Production

Public Relations

Senior Vice President of Communications
Senior Director, Licensed Properties
Senior Publicist
Junior Publicist

Production Services - Europe

Senior Director, Localisation
Localisation Manager
Localisation Project Manager
Localisation Project Coordinator
Localisation QA Manager
Localisation QA Lead
Localisation QA Testers
QA Burn Lab Lead
QA Burn Lab Technician
IT Network Technician
Localisation Tools & Support

Global Brand Management

EVP, GM of licensed Properties
Director of EU Marketing
Director of Marketing
Global Brand Manager
Associate Brand Manager

Central Marketing

EVP, Chief Creative Officer
VP, Head of Integrated Marketing
Sr. Dir., Marketing Communications
Manager, Marketing Communications
Director, Interactive Marketing
Sr. Manager, Interactive Marketing
Assoc. Mger., Interactive Marketing
Business and Legal Affairs

Operations and Studio Planning

Senior Director of Production Services

Talent and Audio Management Group

Director, Talent and Audio Management Group
Talent Associate
Talent Coordinator


VP of Studio Fiance and Royalties
Fiance Manager
Sr. Financial Analyst
Finance Analyst
Activison Special Thanks

Quality Assurance

VP Quality Assurance/ Customer Service
Director, Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Functionality

QA Project Lead
QA Testers
QA Senior Project lead
QA Manager

Quality Assurance Functionality Shanghai

QA Project Lead
QA Database Specialist
QA Testers
QA Manager

Technical Requirements Group

TRG Manager
QA Director
TRG Submission Leads
TRG Submissions Adjutant
TRG Senior Platforms Leads
TRG Platform Leads
TRG Testers

QA Code Release Group

QA Certification Lab Senior Leads
QA Certification Lab Project Leads
QA CRG Project lead
QA CRG Floor Lead
QA CRG Testers

QA Network Lab

Manager, QA Labs
Network Lab Project leads
Network Lab Tester

QA Multiplayer Labs

QA Multiplayer Lab Lead
QA MPL Senior Tester
QA MPL Acting Floor Leads & Testers

QA Mastering Lab

Sr. Manager, QA Technologies
Mastering Lab Supervisor
Senior Mastering Lab Technician
Mastering Labs Technicians


Senior Manager, QA Technologies
QA-MIS Manager
QA-MIS Technicians
Technology Technician
QA-MIS Equipment Coordinators

QA Database Administration Group

Senior Lead Database Administrator
Lead Database Administrator
Database Technicians
DBS Senior Tester
DBS Tester

QA Operations Group

Director, QA Operations
Operations and Planning Supervisor
Operations Associate
Lead, QA Operations
Customer Support Managers
QA Special Thanks
In Memory Of
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Serrated-banner9.