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Forums > News > Moby v2023.04.14 Release

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MobyReed (318) on 4/14/2023 10:10 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

  • Added critics index
  • Added credits, descriptions, groups and game trivia to the feed
  • Added company logos, overview, trivia and history to the feed
  • Added "My Rating" filter to Most Wanted
  • Added paging to contribution status page
  • Added ability to edit game list title, description while viewing the list (if you're the owner)
  • Added percentage next to critic review scores on review listings
  • Added approval history when editing an object
  • Increased number of items in the feed from 60 to 120 (paging and filtering to come!)
  • Support approved item counts in banner messages
  • Collaborations on game credits must be >1 person
  • Support DeveloperIdentifiers in split tool
  • Better redirect for old screenshots
  • Don’t allow escalated items to be edited
  • Fixes for Most Wanted
  • Fixed read message counts on forum
  • Fixed forum post rate limiting
  • Fixed cloning releases
  • Fixed company histories with moby tags
  • Misc. UI polish
  • Misc. backend improvements
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Bozzly (991) on 4/14/2023 10:54 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Thanks for adding percentages to the critic scores.

One more thing. How about making it possible to add line spaces when submitting critic reviews, and restoring the ones in some of the critic reviews that I got approved?

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Koterminus (208896) on 4/15/2023 4:56 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Line breaks should not be in review abstracts. The Standards are clear about what to do in situations where a review ends in a short paragraph which cannot be used as a summary of a review: concatenate two or three paragraphs into one if they are very short or make no sense individually. For example:

"Game 2: The Game Continues is an excellent game.

However, its shortcomings often outweigh its strengths."

Should be concatenated to:

"Game 2: The Game Continues is an excellent game. However, its shortcomings often outweigh its strengths."

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Bozzly (991) on 4/16/2023 8:24 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

The Standards are more guidelines than rules. Also I believe taking sentences from separate paragraphs, and making them into one paragraph might be misleading if a reader reads a review from this site then goes on to look at the original review from the source.

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Cantillon (73699) on 9/24/2023 6:46 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

In some edge cases they are, in this case they are not.

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Foxhack (32098) on 4/15/2023 12:42 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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Alaka (104937) on 4/15/2023 1:58 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Nice to see "My Rating" re-added to Most Wanted page, The Most Wanted page still needs work though,, particular in the sorting of lists (alphabetically, chronologically, etc..). A step in the right direction though,

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Terok Nor (41059) on 4/15/2023 8:43 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I still see 8 unread messages in the MobyGames forum which I cannot find.

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Cavalary (11443) on 4/16/2023 1:58 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Seems like the unread threads not going to the top issue reappeared with this update? Only saw it in the Mobygames category though, with three threads with unread messages staying lower down the page.

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Freeman (64002) on 4/16/2023 10:14 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

It seems like all the threads that were previously stickied are at the top of the MG subforum.

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Cavalary (11443) on 4/17/2023 12:44 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Ah, you're right, seems like stickies got reintroduced... But not marked in any way, just like nothing is, so no way to know why they're up there.

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ChristopherDickens on 5/11/2023 10:04 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I am very much happy with it.